.. _consider-using-tuple: consider-using-tuple / R6102 ============================ **Message emitted:** ``Consider using an in-place tuple instead of list`` **Description:** *Only for style consistency! Emitted where an in-place defined ``list`` can be replaced by a ``tuple``. Due to optimizations by CPython, there is no performance benefit from it.* **Problematic code:** .. literalinclude:: /data/messages/c/consider-using-tuple/bad.py :language: python **Correct code:** .. literalinclude:: /data/messages/c/consider-using-tuple/good.py :language: python **Configuration file:** .. literalinclude:: /data/messages/c/consider-using-tuple/pylintrc :language: ini .. note:: This message is emitted by the optional :ref:`'code_style'` checker, which requires the ``pylint.extensions.code_style`` plugin to be loaded. Created by the `code_style `__ checker.