.. _message-control: Messages control ================ In order to control messages, ``pylint`` accepts the following values: * a symbolic message: ``no-member``, ``undefined-variable`` etc. * a numerical ID: ``E1101``, ``E1102`` etc. * The name of the group of checks. You can grab those with ``pylint --list-groups``. For example, you can disable / enable all the checks related to type checking, with ``typecheck`` or all the checks related to variables with ``variables`` * Corresponding category of the checks * ``C`` convention related checks * ``R`` refactoring related checks * ``W`` various warnings * ``E`` errors, for probable bugs in the code * ``F`` fatal, if an error occurred which prevented ``pylint`` from doing further processing. * All the checks with ``all`` .. _block_disables: Block disables -------------- This describes how the pragma controls operate at a code level. The pragma controls can disable / enable: * All the violations on a single line .. sourcecode:: python a, b = ... # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking * All the violations on the following line .. sourcecode:: python # pylint: disable-next=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking a, b = ... * All the violations in a single scope .. sourcecode:: python def test(): # Disable all the no-member violations in this function # pylint: disable=no-member ... * All the violations in a `block`. For instance, each separate branch of an ``if`` statement is considered a separate block, as in the following example: .. sourcecode:: python def meth5(self): # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) if self.blop: # pylint: enable=no-member # enable all no-members for this block print(self.blip) else: # This is affected by the scope disable print(self.blip) # pylint: enable=no-member print(self.blip) if self.blop: # pylint: disable=no-member # disable all no-members for this block print(self.blip) else: # This emits a violation print(self.blip) * If the violation occurs on a block starting line, then it applies only to that line .. sourcecode:: python if self.blop: # pylint: disable=no-member; applies only to this line # Here we get an error print(self.blip) else: # error print(self.blip) Here's an example with all these rules in a single place: .. sourcecode:: python """pylint option block-disable""" __revision__ = None class Foo(object): """block-disable test""" def __init__(self): pass def meth1(self, arg): """this issues a message""" print(self) def meth2(self, arg): """and this one not""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument print(self\ + "foo") def meth3(self): """test one line disabling""" # no error print(self.bla) # pylint: disable=no-member # error print(self.blop) def meth4(self): """test re-enabling""" # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) print(self.blop) # pylint: enable=no-member # error print(self.blip) def meth5(self): """test IF sub-block re-enabling""" # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) if self.blop: # pylint: enable=no-member # error print(self.blip) else: # no error print(self.blip) # no error print(self.blip) def meth6(self): """test TRY/EXCEPT sub-block re-enabling""" # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) try: # pylint: enable=no-member # error print(self.blip) except UndefinedName: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # no error print(self.blip) # no error print(self.blip) def meth7(self): """test one line block opening disabling""" if self.blop: # pylint: disable=no-member # error print(self.blip) else: # error print(self.blip) # error print(self.blip) def meth8(self): """test late disabling""" # error print(self.blip) # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) print(self.blop) def meth9(self): """test next line disabling""" # no error # pylint: disable-next=no-member print(self.bla) # error print(self.blop) Detecting useless disables -------------------------- As pylint gets better and false positives are removed, disables that became useless can accumulate and clutter the code. In order to clean them you can enable the ``useless-suppression`` warning.