.. _use-dict-literal:
use-dict-literal / R1735
**Message emitted:**
``Consider using '%s' instead of a call to 'dict'.``
*Emitted when using dict() to create a dictionary instead of a literal '{ ... }'. The literal is faster as it avoids an additional function call.*
**Problematic code:**
.. literalinclude:: /data/messages/u/use-dict-literal/bad/empty_dict.py
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: /data/messages/u/use-dict-literal/bad/init_dict_from_another.py
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: /data/messages/u/use-dict-literal/bad/init_with_keyword.py
:language: python
**Correct code:**
.. literalinclude:: /data/messages/u/use-dict-literal/good/empty_dict.py
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: /data/messages/u/use-dict-literal/good/init_dict_from_another.py
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: /data/messages/u/use-dict-literal/good/init_with_litteral.py
:language: python
**Additional details:**
This example script shows an 18% increase in performance when using a literal over the
constructor in python version 3.10.6.
**Related links:**
- `Performance Analysis of Python’s dict() vs dict literal `_
Created by the `refactoring `__ checker.