consider-using-dict-items / C0206ΒΆ

Message emitted:

Consider iterating with .items()


Emitted when iterating over the keys of a dictionary and accessing the value by index lookup. Both the key and value can be accessed by iterating using the .items() method of the dictionary instead.

Problematic code:

    "violin": "strings",
    "oboe": "woodwind",
    "tuba": "brass",
    "gong": "percussion",

for instrument in ORCHESTRA:  # [consider-using-dict-items]
    print(f"{instrument}: {ORCHESTRA[instrument]}")

Correct code:

    "violin": "strings",
    "oboe": "woodwind",
    "tuba": "brass",
    "gong": "percussion",

for instrument, section in ORCHESTRA.items():
    print(f"{instrument}: {section}")

Created by the refactoring checker.