
pyreverse is run from the command line using the following syntax:

pyreverse [options] <packages>

where <packages> is one or more Python packages or modules to analyze.

The available options are organized into the following categories:

Filtering and Scope


Show all ancestors of all classes in <projects>.

Default: None


Show all classes associated with the target classes, including indirect associations.

Default: None


Create a class diagram with all classes related to <class>; this uses by default the options -ASmy

Default: None


Filter attributes and functions according to <mode>. Correct modes are: 'PUB_ONLY' filter all non public attributes [DEFAULT], equivalent to PRIVATE+SPECIAL 'ALL' no filter 'SPECIAL' filter Python special functions except constructor 'OTHER' filter protected and private attributes

Default: PUB_ONLY


Show <ancestor> generations of ancestor classes not in <projects>.

Default: None


Show <association_level> levels of associated classes not in <projects>.

Default: None


Include builtin objects in representation of classes.

Default: False


Include standard library objects in representation of classes.

Default: False

Display Options


Comma separated list of colors to use for the package depth coloring.

Default: ('#77AADD', '#99DDFF', '#44BB99', '#BBCC33', '#AAAA00', '#EEDD88', '#EE8866', '#FFAABB', '#DDDDDD')


Use colored output. Classes/modules of the same package get the same color.

Default: False


Use separate colors up to package depth of <depth>. Higher depths will reuse colors.

Default: 2


Include module name in the representation of classes.

Default: None


Only show nodes with connections.

Default: False


Don't show attributes and methods in the class boxes; this disables -f values.

Default: False

Output Control


Create a *.<format> output file if format is available. Available formats are: .dot, .puml, .plantuml, .mmd, .html. Any other format will be tried to be created by using the 'dot' command line tool, which requires a graphviz installation. In this case, these additional formats are available (see `Graphviz output formats <>`_).

Default: dot


Set the output directory path.

Default: ""

Project Configuration


Files or directories to be skipped. They should be base names, not paths.

Default: ('CVS',)


Set the project name. This will later be appended to the output file names.

Default: ""


Add paths to the list of the source roots. Supports globbing patterns. The source root is an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory used to determine a package namespace for modules located under the source root.

Default: ()


Makes pyreverse more verbose/talkative. Mostly useful for debugging.

Default: False